Pig Farm, Dalu

Location: Medium Pig Farm, Dalu is located 50kms from District Headquarter, Tura, West Garo Hills.
Financed by: State Government
Established: in the year 1981
Scheme: State Non-Plan only
1. To serve as a demonstration farm to the public about the scientific methods of rearing the pigs
with the time to time improved methods.
2. To supply improved breeding stock of pigs to the farmers at reasonable rates thereby improving
their livestock gene pools.
3. To generate employment to the unemployed.

Staff Position:
1. Senior A. H. & Veterinary Officer           -              1 No.
2. Senior Veterinary Assistant                   -              1 No.
3. Veterinary Assistant                              -              1 No.
4. L. D. A.                                                  -              1 No.
5. Piggery Attendants                                -              3 Nos.
6. Chowkidar                                             -              1 No.
7. Casual labourers                                   -              3 Nos.

Area occupied: 10 acres (present)

Source of water:
At present source of water is by pumping from ring wells and also for drinking water there is water from PHE water supply.

Breeding stock maintained:
1. Hampshire.
2. Hampshire Cross.
3. Tamworth and Desi (T&D)

Production performance:
Average litter size at birth                            -              8 Nos.
Average littler size at weaning                     -              6 Nos.
Weaning age                                                            50 days.

Breeding Plan followed:
Only natural service.

Linkage with other scheme:
National Livestock Mission (2015-16)