INAPH comprises of three core modules- breeding, nutrition and animal health. In addition there are other supporting sub-modules – administration, laboratory and registration, which are by and large common to the core modules. Each of the core modules is described briefly. The general architecture of INAPH module is depicted below.
Breeding Services records artificial insemination (Ai), pregnancy diagnosis, calving and, calf registration. In Progeny Testing/ Pedigree Selection areas, the breeding services also captures milk recording at regular intervals to estimate the lactation yield of the animals and help calculate breeding values of the bulls based on the production performance of their daughters. The Ai technicians employed by the identified service providing organizations collect and capture the relevant data at the time of registration of new animals which are uniquely identified with ear tags. This data is transmitted to the central server. The AI technicians collect relevant data on Ai, pregnancy diagnosis and calving and transmit it to the central database. The milk recorders collect data on individual animal milk yield on a monthly basis and also a milk sample at the time of every milk recording and arrange to send it to the milk component laboratory for milk component analysis – fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell count and milk urea nitrogen.
The Nutrition (Ration Balancing) module of the application provides the least cost balanced ration formulation to the farmers based on the profile of the cattle and available feeds and fodder with the farmer. The system takes into account the various parameters and nutrition requirement of the cattle in formulating the ration. The laboratory module generates data on milk component analysis, proximate analysis of feed and fodder samples. The local resource persons of service organizations provide ration-balancing services to all farmers of the villages covered under the project using the ration balancing module of INAPH.
The Animal Health module of INAPH is designed to capture entire range of data pertaining to vaccinations, deworming and disease testing for individual animal as well as for a group which can be recorded at the village level.
Individual services: can be recorded for vaccination, deworming, laboratory disease testing, fertility management, treatment as well as follow-up which are linked with the ear-tag of the individual animal.
Group services: data can be captured pertaining to a group of animals in a particular location (village/hamlet), for species of animal (cattle/buffaloes), without identifying individual animal which is useful for mass vaccination, mass deworming, outbreak reporting etc and, in areas where animals are yet to be uniquely identified. Animal Health module also equipped with the laboratory disease testing sub-module where laboratory test results for individual animal/bulk testing can be captured which may be useful for sero-surveillance and subsequent traceability.
National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)
National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) is a flagship scheme launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister in September, 2019 for control of Foot & Mouth Disease and Brucellosis by vaccinating 100% cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig population for FMD and 100% bovine female calves of 4-8 months of age for brucellosis with the total outlay of Rs.13, 343.00 crore for five years (2019-20 to 2023-24).
Objectives of the Programme
The overall aim of the National Animal Disease Control Programme for FMD and Brucellosis (NADCP) is to control FMD by 2025 with vaccination and its eventual eradication by 2030. This will result in increased domestic production and ultimately in increased exports of milk and livestock products. Intensive Brucellosis Control programme in animals is envisaged for controlling Brucellosis which will result in effective management of the disease, in both animals and in humans.
National Animal Disease Control Programme for FMD and Brucellosis (NADCP) is a Central Sector Scheme where 100% of funds shall be provided by the Central Government to the States / UTs.
Major Activities under NADCP for FMD and Brucellosis
1. Introduction
1.1 The National Livestock Mission (NLM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented by the Government of India. It was launched all over India including Meghalaya during 2014-15.
2. Mission Objectives
2.1 The NLM intends to achieve the following objectives:
3. Mission Design
3.1 The Mission is designed to cover all the activities required to ensure quantitative and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and capacity building of all stakeholder. The Mission will cover everything germane to improvement of livestock productivity and support projects and initiatives required for that purpose subject to condition that such initiatives which cannot be funded under other Centrally Sponsored Schemes under the Department.
3.2 The mission is organised into the following four Sub-Missions:
3.2.1 Sub-Mission on Livestock Development The sub-mission on Livestock Development includes activities to address the concerns for overall development of livestock species including poultry, other than cattle and buffalo, with a holistic approach. Risk Management component of the sub-mission will, however, also cover cattle and buffalo along with other major and minor livestock.
3.2.2 Sub-Mission on Pig Development in North-Eastern Region There has been persistent demand from the North Eastern States seeking support for all round development of pigs in the region. Therefore, pig development in the North Eastern Region is being taken up as a sub- mission of NLM. The sub-mission will strive to forge synergies of research and development organizations through appropriate interventions, as may be required for holistic development of pigs in the North Eastern Region including genetic improvement, health cover and post harvest operations.
3.2.3 Sub-Mission on Feed and Fodder Development The Sub-Mission is designed to address the problems of scarcity of animal feed and fodder resources, to give a push to the livestock sector making it a competitive enterprise for India, and also to harness its export potential. The sub-mission will especially focus on increasing both production and productivity of fodder and feed through adoption of improved and appropriate technologies best suited to specific agro-climatic region in both arable and non-arable areas.
3.2.4 Sub-Mission on Skill Development, Technology Transfer and Extension extension machinery at field level for livestock activities is not adequately strengthened. As a result, farmers are not able to adopt the technologies developed by research institutions. The adoption of new technologies and practices requires linkages between stakeholders. The sub-mission will provide a platform to develop, adopt or adapt the technologies including frontline field demonstrations in collaboration with farmers, researchers and extension workers, etc. wherever it is not possible to achieve this through existing arrangements.
4. Institutional Structure
4.1 National Level
4.1.1 The General Council: The Mission has a General Council (GC) at National level under the Chairmanship of Union Agriculture Minister. GC will be the policy formulation body giving overall direction and guidance to Mission and will monitor and review its progress and performance. GC will be empowered to lay down and amend operational guidelines, other than those affecting financing pattern.
4.1.2 Executive Committee: Executive Committee (EC), headed by Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DADF) will oversee activities of the Mission and approve Action Plans of various states. EC will formulate guidelines, and will be empowered to reallocate resources across States and components, and will approve projects in conformity with the guidelines. EC will consider and approve components of a project and include new components, if required. EC will also be empowered to approve special interventions for tackling emergent / unforeseen requirements.
4.1.3 Mission Directorate Mission Directorate will be headed by the Joint Secretary to Government of India, in-charge of Animal Production, Poultry, and Fodder. The Mission Directorate will provide the necessary support to EC and the GC and will administer the Mission.
4.2 State Level
4.2.1 State Level Executive Committee: The State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) is under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, having representatives from other concerned Departments of State Government, the State Agricultural Universities (SAU),etc. Principal Secretary / Secretary, Animal Husbandry will be the State Mission Director. He will also function as the Member Secretary of SLEC. State Livestock Mission will have the following functions:
4.3 District Level
4.3.1 At District level, District Livestock Mission Committee (DLMC) will be responsible for carrying forward the objectives of the Mission for project formulation, implementation and monitoring. Accordingly, State Government/ UT are required to issue necessary notification for constitution of DLMC which will be headed by the District Collector, having as members the Chief Executive officer (CEO) of ZilaParishad or Zila Panchayat / Chief Development Officer / District Development Officer / PD of District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), representatives from concerned line Departments, Dairy Cooperatives, Farmers’ / Animal Rearers’ / Poultry Associations, Marketing Boards, local Banks, Self Help Groups and other Non-Governmental organizations. District Planning Committee and PRIs will be involved in implementing the programme depending on their expertise and available infrastructure. District Animal Husbandry Officer / Veterinary Officer will be Member Secretary of DLMC.
5. Procedure for approvals and implementation
5.1 Preparation and Submission of Proposals
5.1.1 The department submit the proposals, in prescribed formats, after the same has been approved by the State Level Executive Committee headed by the Chief Secretary, to the Mission Directorate at the Centre, New Delhi.
5.2 Approval of Proposals
5.2.1 The Mission Director will appraise the proposals and will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval.
5.3 Fund Flow Mechanism
5.3.1 The funds will be released to the Department of Animal Husbandry of concerned State / UT Government.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
6.1 At National level, the Mission has a General Council under the Chairmanship of the Agriculture Minister and a Central Executive Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DADF. At State level, there is the State Executive Committeeand District Mission Committees for monitoring activities. All these institutions under the Mission undertake concurrent monitoring and periodic evaluation of activities under the Mission.
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
1. RKVY scheme was initiated in 2007 as an umbrella scheme for ensuring holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors by allowing states to choose their own agriculture and allied sector development activities as per the district/state agriculture plan. The scheme has come a long way since its inception and has been implemented across two plan periods (11th and 12th). Till 2013-14, the scheme was implemented as an Additional Central Assistance (ACA) to State Plan Scheme with 100% central assistance. It was converted into a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in 2014-15 also with 100% central assistance. Since 2015-16, the funding pattern of the scheme has been altered in the ratio of 60:40 between Centre and States (90:10 for North Eastern States and Himalayan States). For Union Territories the funding pattern is 100 % central grant.
2. RKVY scheme incentivizes States to increase public investment in Agriculture & allied sectors. Under RKVY, States have been provided flexibility and autonomy for selection, planning approval and execution of projects/programs under the scheme as per their need, priorities and agro-climate requirements. The funds are released to the State Governments/UTs on the basis of projects approved in the State Level Sanctioning Committee Meeting (SLSC) headed by the Chief Secretary of the concerned State, which is the empowered body to approve projects under the scheme. It is for the State Govt. to further implement the scheme in the State as per its requirement in areas which requires focused attention for increasing production and productivity in the State.
3. The Cabinet has approved ( as on 1st November 2017) for continuation of the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme (State Plans) - Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) as Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana- Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR) for three years i.e. 2017-18 to 2019-20 with a financial allocation of Rs. 15,722 crores with broad objectives of making farming a remunerative economic activity through strengthening the farmer’s effort, risk mitigation and promoting agri-business entrepreneurship. Under RKVY-RAFTAAR, major focus is on pre & post-harvest infrastructure, besides promoting agri-entrepreneurship and innovations.
4. Funds under RKVY-RAFTAAR would be provided to the States as grant by the Central Government in the following streams.
A. Regular RKVY-RAFTAAR -70% of annual outlay will be allocated among States as per criteria under following heads.
a. Infrastructure and assets- 50% (of 70%) of regular RKVY-RAFTAAR outlay- pre-harvest infrastructure- 20%, post-harvest infrastructure- 30%
b. Value addition linked production projects (agribusiness models) that provide assured/ additional income to farmers including Public Private Partnership for Integrated Agriculture Development (PPPIAD) projects- 30% (of 70%) of regular RKVY outlay.
c. Flexi funds- 20% (of 70%) of regular RKVY-RAFTAAR outlay. States can use this fund for supporting any projects as per their local needs preferably for innovative activities in agriculture and allied sectors.
B. RKVY-RAFTAAR special sub-schemes – 20% of total annual outlay - based on national priorities as notified by Govt. of India from time to time for development of region and problem specific areas.
C. Innovation and agri-entrepreneur development - 10% of annual outlay-for encouraging innovation and agri-entrepreneurs through skill development and financial support. It will support incubatees, incubation centers, KVKs, awards etc. These funds will be with Central Govt. (DAC&FW) including 2% of administrative costs at the Centre. In case the funds not utilized, it will be diverted to regular RKVY & sub-schemes.